Author of
The Woman’s Holistic Guide to Divorce
It may be tempting to jump into a new serious relationship while on the rebound. Instead, stop and take stock of yourself.
Are you truly recovered from your divorce or do you fear loneliness? It is important to differentiate between being alone and loneliness. One can live alone, yet have a full social life and career.
Fear of being alone can include getting sick without someone around, financial concerns, and not wanting to dine or attend social events alone. Some folks indicated that being married ensures an escort when needed.
It can be daunting to face issues of self and easier to be a mirror of one’s mate. Some see themselves as a fragment and the relationship as a whole. They are not complete unless part of a duo. One can lose the sense of self in relationships which can be a comfort for those who do not want to face their flaws.
A way of not dealing with foibles is to limit the time between relationships. So many people interviewed told stories of family and friends who flit from relationship to relationship. These serial daters were more apt to cancel plans with friends to accommodate their spouses.
Some people go right from college or their parents’ homes into marriage without discovering who they are and what makes them tick. They may be apprehensive about being on their own post-divorce and want to enter into another relationship quickly.
Mabel is one example of this. At 17 she got married and had a baby a year later. Mabel became a young widow after child number two and had adequate support. She quickly became involved with a sociopath and that marriage lasted a little over ten years. Right after her divorce, she met and married a nice fellow. Now widowed in her late seventies, Mabel is unhappy about not being able to find another husband.
Having low expectations can lead to being a doormat. Relationships complement people and are not first aid for low self-esteem. Do not marry a copy of your former partner, especially when there was abuse. A life coach or therapist can assist one who feels unloved by family and feels the need to always be in relationships to compensate for this.
Serial Dating – Tips for Those Who Fear Loneliness
- A quiet flat can compound loneliness. Consider adopting a pet or being a temporary foster parent to a cat or dog.
- My divorced mum would have the radio or telly on during the evenings. It was like having company without the work.
- Join MeetUp.com as I did. I am in a Women’s Transition group that meets for lattes, gallery shows and other fun activities. My divorced pal is in the hiking group.
- Get out and meet people to enlarge your social network. I volunteer one morning a week for a cat rescue group, cleaning cages, feeding and cuddling the cats. Join a book club or other group.
- Reconnect with old friends. Spend more time with family.
- Change your work schedule if a certain time of day is more difficult to be home alone.
- Discover new interests. I took up Tai Chi and Qigong post-divorce.
Wendi Schuller
Author of The Woman’s Holistic Guide to Divorce