Top Tips To Consider When Preparing For Divorce

Going through a divorce is a stressful time that can cause conflict between both parties. Specialist family lawyer and qualified collaborative practitioner Emma Davies shares her top tips with us to ensure as smooth a transition as possible into the next chapter

Why Court Should be the Last Resort When Divorcing

At the beginning of 2022, it was predicted that divorce rates could surge by more than 50% in the UK. The impact of pandemic lockdowns, pressures due to the cost of living increases and changes in legislation such as the no-fault divorce,

Is a pre-nup enforceable?

2022 has been a landmark year for family law, with the introduction of the ‘no-fault’ divorce law coming into effect on 6 April removing the need to prove a relationship has broken down. Meanwhile, many couples across the country are still waiting

Divorce and bankruptcy: Double trouble

Divorce and bankruptcy have been two big topics in recent times. The impact of Covid-19 has resulted in companies going under, leaving employees without a job, and couples being cooped up in lockdown together – but what happens when these two, already

Preparing for Divorce: What you need to know

After couples spent more than a year being cooped up in lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic, it is perhaps unsurprising that there has been an increase in enquiries from spouses who are wanting to split from their partners. However, making the